Friday, 19 May 2017

Treadmill time and the case of the 2 x 5ks

Generally speaking I like to run outdoors, preferably on a path (I'm a lousy trail runner as will be noted by absence from the Royal Welsh Trail Running Festival this weekend).

I'm not the worlds biggest fan of treadmills.

However, they do have their benefits and I'm aware of this. They're good for speed work, for intervals. So with the weather less than clement and in my last stand in the gym before my place of work becomes too far away for it to be practical, I decided to see how quick I could bounce on the spot.

First attempt was to go under 21 mins for a 5k. Something I've never looked like doing in a regular run. I did the maths and worked out the pace I needed and off I went.

14.4kph... comfortable, so I bumped it up to give myself some breathing room at the end... 14.7kph, all fine. In the end I went up to 15kph for the last couple of hundred meters and finished in 20:34.Was I tired? Yes! Was I spent? No, not quite...

So this made me think... 20 minutes?? Could I. Screw it I'll have a go.

2 days later, maths done once again (do 15.1 to account for the not swift acceleration at the start...) and off I go. First 1.5 / 2k fine, but then I found myself losing concentration and form every now and again. Refocused (benefit of the treadmill right there as I didn't lose pace, where I'd have slowed on my own) and carried on.

3k... fine 4k hmmm feeling it... last 500m.. contemplating throwing up a little... but beep the machine went and...

It can be done. Well I mean obviously it can be done, but it can be done... BY ME! I know it's just a treadmill and its harder out there in the world, I'll never count anything recorded on one as a PB etc. But this is a confidence booster, a big one. Be sad to see my membership end.

I need to take this new found confidence on the road and cry to myself when I run 23:56 somewhere!

I'm also booking races in prep for Tenby. I'm in the Swansea Half and I'm booking Treforest tomorrow. Feeling confident!! Ish

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