Saturday, 18 February 2017

Entry fees!

Money! Get away

There's nothing quite like the buzz of a race day. Thousands of people all together at the start, each ready to beat me comfortably. You get a well marshaled course, generally a new t-shirt and a medal. Could happily do it every week.

2016 Bling!

I can't however, as... whoa these things cost. Well the big ones do anyway. I have skipped an early year marathon this year as I have not the disposable income to throw £50 or £60 at a race event, plus then travel and hotel in Manchester or Liverpool or wherever. Without throwing in the 56 gels, 14 Lucozade Sport and a wheelchair for the finish.

I've entered a few near to me (St David's Day 10k, Merthyr Half Marathon...) which has still gone a way to clearing me out, but no big one this half of the year (I'm doing 16 or 17 miles this weekend though, for free, on my own...).

I understand the events can be very expensive to put on, but I do wonder what the kind of profit margins are like... road closures cost, registration costs, course verification costs, stations on the course cost etc but (For Manchester)  a full price entry is £60 and there's thousands of runners. You should have been the bog queue in the cricket ground before the race last year!

There's got to be some money in it! From my perspective, my alternatives are to either gain a massive pay rise somehow (lol) or continue to pick off races when I have spare cash. It's going to be option B.

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