Tuesday, 7 February 2017

A family affair

As well as a half arsed pretend runner, I am other things. Such as a husband, an employee and a father to 2 adorable children. Yes I am obliged to say that but it's still true. I'm also obliged to say that.

Now back when I were a lad, you know in the 50s... I wasn't sporty particularly. I liked computers and Star Trek and I was most of the way to a stereotypical nerd. (Yes I know Star Trek didn't exist in the 50s). This was a shame as apart from playing football in school a bit and PE lessons, my ass got no exercise.

Eventually I turned into a... robust individual. Fat fatty fat fat. FAAAAAAT. Fat

Nowadays I'm still fat fatty fat fat, but not to the same kind of degree. Ideally, rather than let the next generation repeat the pattern, I'd like to encourage them to be active. Bribery is a good way to do this and kids like medals!

As a result it's been quite easy to get the kiddies interested in a few junior and family races. My youngest even got a 3rd place medal in the youngest race in the Loop 10k lasy year (Wasn't 10k obvs...) Got to be said it adds something when getting them involved. You know there are benefits for them, they'll be fitter, happier, more productive healthier and stronger. You know they'll (mostly) enjoy the experience and it also creates something you can do together.

None of these are bad things.

Occasionally the family run is immediately (and I mean immediately) before the main race (Cardiff 10k this year I ran 2k with the daughter, peed and ran to the start line for the 10k! Similar in Swansea before).

It's my intention to ship them out to the great institution that is parkrun (well junior parkrun)  soon too.

The kiddies will be making their respective debuts in Merthyr this year in the junior races and I'm quite looking forward to it! Momentarily then I'll be off on a tricky half marathon!

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