Monday, 15 January 2018

Running every day

So Run Every Day in January is a thing, and it's pretty much half way! Also, I've already failed after having a bit of knee soreness so missing a day to ensure I was fit for a Merthyr Half Marathon training run.

So far my month has looked like this:

So far it's taught me a few things, mainly:

  • I need rest, I'm not that fit and running every day is hard. I've used shorter runs or runs with my daughter as kind of rests. Not every run has to be a long one!
  • I'm strangely determined. I can get up and run, even a short way even when I really can't be bothered,
  • I need more running kit, flying through the stuff running every day!

So far this month, it has pushed me a little further with a total of 61.9 miles, currently ahead of my 1000 mile for the year target! But after 2 weeks, let's not get excited!

Also, why do these things in January? I know it captures the new year, new me types and people setting off after big totals for the year, but equally it captures the darkest, coldest, least hospitable time of the year.

I think I'd do far better on a RED June challenge!

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