Wednesday, 4 October 2017

No London Baby!

Wait, what's this? I have an email... off no-reply@London.... oh balls.

I have now received confirmation, for the 6th(ish?) successive yea I have been unsuccessful in my ballot application to the London Marathon.

The ballot receives too many applications to be a realistic shout anyway, the system needs reviewing badly, as unless I come 14th on Big Brother or something so get given a place, manage to raise more money than I've ever managed in my entire life or take over an hour off my PB, I'm never running that race.

However, this will not get me down! I'm now planning a return trip to Manchester to redo my first ever marathon, which is also still my PB.

I'll get on that tonight!

There's also apparently a Newport one next year. I've never been a fan of the half (only done it once, no training, didn't enjoy) so I think Manc is the future.

Manchester baby!

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