Wednesday, 9 October 2019

The London issue

Yes, there are other marathons, I've run a few, but I wouldn't mind a crack at London.

Yes, I can qualify with a good-for-age time... well no, I can't, I'm not fast enough. Never was and am pretty confident never will be. Also that's not guaranteed anymore anyway.

Yes, I can run for a charity, I've even had some contact me, but an (average) £2000 minimum or I have to pay it myself target feels beyond daunting. I know I wouldn't manage it, so I'll leave that to competent people.

If you hadn't gathered, I had a no for London yet again next year.

Quelle surprise!

Of the last 10 years I've now had 9 no's and 1 forgot-to-enter-the-ballot-oops. There could still be hope in the shape of my club ballot but that's potentially not 'til Christmas, so if I don't get it all the other spring marathons will be full/more expensive. It probably has about the same odds as the real ballot and honestly at the moment, rejoining for next year (a requirement if you get the place) is something I'm seriously considering not doing.

It's really not the end of the world I know, but I really would like a go at this race one day. But sadly resigned to the fact it'll never happen. Also the ballot system in general is balls, so many applicants for almost no places, months of delays for a process that could be done relatively quickly.

I know the race loves the build up and publicity and making a spectacle of itself almost as much as it loves overcharging charities, but it's just plain annoying from my side.

As I have written before, I think my target is now going to be Newport. I'm told it's a flat fast course and with a bit of work I think I could clock my second sub 4 hour.

I ran tonight (last night by time I put this out) and it went pretty well, I did what I set out to achieve. 7 fairly steady miles which will hopefully give me a bit of confidence come Saturday and the first (and easiest) Cross Country fixture of the season.

I honestly think the easiest way for me to get into London long term is to come 42nd on a reality TV show at some point. I'm off to practice my naked baking or something.