Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Race Report Greater Manchester Marathon

I haven't written anything in a while, mainly as I haven't done all that, or at least all that well. But one of my major goals for the year came up, the marathon. The aim? Sub 4:00.

I don't do many marathons (funnily enough) as chances are few and far between, so I was keen to make this count.

Prep was on and off, with some injury issues I mentioned before, some weekends and races lost to the snow, including a 20 miler which was to be a main warm up event. However I did manage a decent 21 mile run at a pace I didn't really expect to keep up (8:33 p/m).

Arrived at Manchester nice an early the day before, ate well, drank water, I was as set as I really could be I think.

The targets were simple, only 1 and it was make my finish time start with a 3. An 03, 30 hours would be a poor run. I sought out the 4 hour pacer, but it all looked quite busy (popular target, plus pacing celebrity Paul Addicott on duty), so with encouragement from the wife, I joined the wife I joined the back of the pen in front and thought I'd drift back at some stage.

The gun went, I of course didn't for some 6 minutes but we were underway, adrenaline peaked... it was time.

First 10k

Be sensible now, I thought over n over. 4:00:00 is about 9:09 a mile. So why am I doing more like 8:30... busy roads kept me in check a bit but I was ahead of target and creeping a little faster. Through it in 53:47, 4 hour target being 56:51 (even) - 3:14 up!

Up to half marathon

Continued feeling good, creeping a little faster maybe. This section felt a little more... inclined than I remembered and the actual half marathon point had moved, so changes had been made at some point. But still feeling comfortable and happy and creeping faster, I soldiered on reaching 21k in 1:52:02, 7:58 ahead of schedule, if schedule was even. As I expected to crash in the second half, I didn't think even would work.

To 30k!

...or a bit short of 20 miles if you will. 20 miles was when, in my head, the world would end and I'd be clinging on to life. Especially as it was around a county-ish bit (Carrington?) where I was pretty much defeated last time.

Mile 19 saw a frankly stupid 'challenge' to do a mile quicker than your average pace, which I managed it!

The  marker for 20 came up and I expected the worst, I was almost waiting for my body to give up, but it didn't. I still felt good and I pressed on... very aware only 10k to go.

Mile 24

OK things got a little rough here, but with only 2 miles left, I had the ability to 'dig in' and pretty much hold pace. The final straight is torture, You can see teh finish but you're still quite the way away... seems to go on forever... but then


So, how did I do...

A negative split extravaganza of a time, 3:43! (1:52 - 1:51)

Very happy camper. I had far more stamina than I expected, I think I got fuelling right and the weather was awesome.

Can I retire now?

Next up is the 6 mile Parc Bryn Bach race then it's Ultra time!